Teen Update July 2022
Here are the teen events for the month of July!
Teen Tabletop

Teen Tabletop meets in person every 2nd and 3rd Friday of the month from 6-8pm. Teen Tabletop is a space for any kind of tabletop gaming but the library runs one to two D&D group. We will be offering a way to join virtually if that is easier for you. Please send an email to nick@creswell-library.org before the event to get set up with a virtual connection.
Teen Miniature Painting
This event features miniature figures for your tabletop games or mini canvases that you can paint. And of course, there will be snacks. Join us 7/22 from 6-8pm!
Teen Game Night

Game Nights meet the last Friday of every month. We will have our Nintendo Switch set up, boardgames, card games, and snacks.
July Read for August Book Club