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Creswell Library Policies, Strategic Plan, and Budget Documents

Strategic Plan 2025

Creswell Library's 2025 plan: Enhance communication, physical space, and lifelong learning with goals for increased involvement and comfort.

Here is our Strategic Plan for 2025! We are really excited to get to work on the priorities you helped us create. While this is our current plan, it is only for 2025. If you have suggestions for 2026 and beyond, or even 2025, please use this link to let us know what you would like to see from our little library.

Budget 2024-2025

Budget Forms Adopted 24-25.pdf

 The budgeting process for our library begins in February when our Budget Officer builds the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. We then hold a Budget Committee Meeting (held in April or May) where the library board and five members of the Creswell Community provide input and feedback on the presented budget. This committee recommends a budget to the Library Board for final approval. In May or June, the library will hold a Budget Hearing to take input from any members of our district to provide input. The Library Board then adopts a budget after taking into account the information from the previous meetings prior to June 30th. 


If you are interested in participating in our budgeting process please use our contact form (link) and let us know!


Click on the links below for current policies. 

Rules of Conduct 12-2019 adopted revision.pdfLibrary Use and Circulation Policies - Updated 2-27-24.pdfLLD Internet Use Policy - adopted 2011.pdfLLD Privacy and Confidentiality Statement - adopted 2012.pdfLLD Material Selection Policy 1-2023.pdfPublic Meetings Policy - Revised 1-23-24.pdfPublic Records Policy adopted 3-29-2018.pdfChild Protection Policy - adopted 1-2016.pdfMandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse Policy - Adopted 1-23-24.pdfBoard Governance Policy Adopted 3-2019.pdfLLD Financial Management Policy - adopted 7-2016.pdfLLD Bylaws Revised February 2012.pdfWhistleblower Policy 2016.pdfLLD Oregon Ethics Policy - adopted 7-2016.pdfLLD Discrimination Harassment Retaliation Prevention Policy - adopted 12-17-2019.pdfEmployee Handbook Adopted 6-18-24.pdf


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