September at the Creswell Library - Family Newsletter
What’s New in September?
Sorry for the lateness of the newsletter -- I was out sick most of last week with the business of summer catching up to me. With that being said, I hope you had a great summer and took advantage of the Summer Reading Program. I am proud of every kid who signed up and had a blast organizing and putting on events for you all. Look for a follow-up survey I'll be sending out later in the month.
Storytime is moving back to the library at 10:00 am.
Middle School Book Club will be starting in October, and the book will be available at the library next week.
Thursdays for Kids
We have three events this month for kids.
9/14 at 3:30pm – LEGO Club – Join us for LEGO building awesomeness! Each child that completes a project will get to put it on display in the library until the next LEGO Club.
9/21at 3:30pm – Full STEAM Ahead! - STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Every month, we will do a new experiment, craft, or challenge. This month, we will be making paper airplanes! Make paper airplanes as simple or as complex as you like. For an extra challenge, see if you can successfully transport extra cargo.
9/28 at 3:30- Art with Holly - Holly is a local artist who generously hosts art lessons for kids at our library. Each month we will have a different activity and Holly will lead us through it one step at a time.

PreK Storytime - Thursdays at 10:00am in the Library
Join us for fun books, songs, and rhymes!! This storytime is intended for children in preschool but all kids and their families are welcome to join. We shoot for about 30 minutes of fun but sometimes we go a little long and sometimes just a tad short. Afterward, we will all do a fun craft. Starting in September, we will move storytime back to the library.
Babytime – Tuesdays at 10:00am in the Creswell Library
Join us on Tuesdays for songs, fingerplays, lap bounces, scarves, egg shakers, stories, and bubbles! This storytime is 20 minutes long so we can wrap up before the littlest get too squirmy.
Pajamarama Storytime – September 12th and 26nd at 6:15pm
Come dressed in your pajamas and bring your stuffies for this storytime. This storytime is a fun event for all ages and will have songs, rhymes, and picture books.
August Reads for September Book Clubs
Book Club for Kids
Book Club for Kids will meet to chat about "The One and Only Ivan" on 9/5 at 4pm via Zoom. Our next book is "The Unlucky Lottery Winners of Classroom 13". We will chat about this humorous book on 10/3 at 4pm. Read more about the book from the publisher.

When unlucky teacher Ms. Linda LaCrosse wins the lottery, she shares her winnings with her class-giving each student over a BILLION DOLLARS!
You might think this was nice, but it was not. It was a nasty idea. With great money comes awful allergies, terrible taxes, violent volcanoes, and other pesky problems. As the students of Classroom 13 are about to learn, winning the lottery is not always lucky.
Middle School Book Club
Middle School Book Club is back! We are starting with a current OBOB book. You can pick up "Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna" at the Library next Wednesday. We will meet in person on 10/4 at 2:30. Middle School Book Club goes for one hour. Here is a quick blurb about this book from the publisher.

Based on a true story, the tale of one girl's perilous journey to cross the U.S. border and lead her family to safety during the Mexican Revolution.
It is 1913, and twelve-year-old Petra Luna's mama has died while the Revolution rages in Mexico. Before her papa is dragged away by soldiers, Petra vows to him that she will care for the family she has left―her abuelita, little sister Amelia, and baby brother Luisito―until they can be reunited. They flee north through the unforgiving desert as their town burns, searching for safe harbor in a world that offers none.
Each night when Petra closes her eyes, she holds her dreams close, especially her long-held desire to learn to read. Abuelita calls these barefoot dreams: "They're like us barefoot peasants and indios―they're not meant to go far." But Petra refuses to listen. Through battlefields and deserts, hunger and fear, Petra will stop at nothing to keep her family safe and lead them to a better life across the U.S. border―a life where her barefoot dreams could finally become reality.
Please email Lindsey at if your child is interested in joining a book club or if you have any questions!