Family Newsletter - November 2021
Glow in the Dark Tic-tac-toe

Swing by the library starting November 5th and pick up a glow-in-the-dark tic-tac-toe kit. The kit contains enough glow sticks to create a tic-tac-toe board and playing pieces. Enjoy!
Family Baking

We will be making pumpkin pie this month! We really wanted to make pumpkin pie this month but finding a pumpkin pie recipe that that is more than 5 ingredients but less than 20 is very tough. In short, we have decided to make a super simple pumpkin pie. Sign up to get the ingredients! If you want to join us, we will be hosting a Zoom meeting where we will go through the steps to make pumpkin pie together on 11/19 at 5pm.
You can sign up here!
Art with Holly
Our next Art with Holly Zoom meeting will be on November 12th at 4pm. This month we will be making a pumpkin person! Grab your kit from the library starting 11/5. The first 15 families will get a free book!
Then make your pumpkin person at home or join us on Zoom to follow along with the amazing Holly and the somewhat less than amazing Nick!
You can join us on Friday, November 12th at 4pm using this Zoom information.
Meeting ID: 817 6487 0360
Passcode: 682014

We are going to start doing themed storytimes for our PreK Storytimes!
Join us on Thursdays at 10:00am for awesome stories and fun songs.
11/4 – Spiders!
11/11 – Rain
11/18 – Thankfulness and a little pie 😊
11/25 – No storytime - Happy Thanksgiving!
Use this Zoom information to join us for any and or all these storytimes!
Meeting ID: 639 784 683
Passcode: Bestbooks1
Babytimes are on Fridays at 10:00am. There will be no babytime on Friday, 11/26. Nick will be away from the library. We will not be doing themes for babytime because repetition is very important for kids at this age.
Meeting ID: 638 577 839
Passcode: Bestbooks1
November Reads for December Book Clubs

Our Book Club for Kids will be reading the awesome graphic novel, Cucumber Quest by D.G. Gigi. We will meet on December 1st at 5pm for a lighthearted chat about the book. From the publisher:
What happens when an evil queen gets her hands on an ancient force of destruction?
World domination, obviously.
The seven kingdoms of Dreamside need a legendary hero. Instead, they'll have to settle for Cucumber, a nerdy magician who just wants to go to school. As destiny would have it, he and his way more heroic sister, Almond, must now seek the Dream Sword, the only weapon powerful enough to defeat Queen Cordelia’s Nightmare Knight.
Can these bunny siblings really save the world in its darkest hour?
Sure, why not?
The Middle School Book Club will be reading Endling: the last by Katherine Applegate in November. We will discuss it at our December meeting on 12/8. From the publisher:
Byx is the youngest member of her dairne pack. Believed to possess remarkable abilities, her mythical doglike species has been hunted to near extinction in the war-torn kingdom of Nedarra.
After her pack is hunted down and killed, Byx fears she may be the last of her species. The Endling. So Byx sets out to find safe haven, and to see if the legends of other hidden dairnes are true.
Along the way, she meets new allies—both animals and humans alike—who each have their own motivations for joining her quest. And although they begin as strangers, they become their own kind of family—one that will ultimately uncover a secret that may threaten every creature in their world.