Family Baking Sign Up Open
Hello All,
I made a mistake when creating the Family Baking sign-up form. It should now be working correctly. Here is the information about this fun program and the sign-up link. Sorry for any inconvenience this caused.
Family Baking is Back!
We will be baking for the next four months! Our first bake will be one of my all-time favorites... SNICKERDOODLES! I love these buttery, cinnamon cookies. Sign up to get the ingredients and an invite to our Zoom meeting where we will bake together. Or, you can bake on your own at home! Here is a tentative plan for our next four bakes.
September: Snickerdoodle Cookies
October: Apple Crumble
November: Pumpkin Pie
December: Party Mix
We will be baking snickerdoodles on Friday, 9/17, at 5pm. You can sign up for our snickerdoodle bake by following this link