August 2024 Newsletter - Now with more accurate information!
Learn to Love Libby - Tuesday, August 13th at 5:00pm
Join us for the first in a planned series of classes for basic tech help. Our first topic cover Libby, the library app where you can read books, browse magazines, and listen to audiobooks all for free with your Creswell Library card. Bring in your phone or tablet and we will get you set up and loving Libby!
Basically British Book Club?
Do you watch BritBox? Acorn? PBS? Would you be interested in a patron-led monthly book group devoted to British authors? We could change genres each month - detective fiction, police procedurals, mystery, historical fiction, depending on the preferences of the group. The group would meet at the library, starting in September or October if there’s enough interest. If you’re intrigued, let us know and nominate a book for the reading list. Reach out to Nick at the library or at
Adult Summer Reading Program
It's not too late to sign up for our adult summer reading program. This year we will track Adult Summer Reading on a game board. Come in, sign up, grab your board, and get to work reading and tackling our other challenges.
Digital Magazine with Libby!

We are now offering digital magazines and it's as easy as opening up your Libby app. No additional account, no extra password, no additional app. Even better, magazines don't count toward your book checkout limit! Visit us at the library if you would like help getting started with the Libby app.
Chair Yoga - Mondays 10am - 11am
Please bring 2 beach towels to help support some of our yoga activities.
Chair Yoga will be hosted on Monday mornings at 10am, hosted by the amazing Deanna Hoover. Chair Yoga features 30 minutes of yoga with a chair for support; the second 30 minutes will be light mat yoga. Please bring your own mat and two yoga blocks if you have them.
Shelf Indulgence: Book Club August 19th at 5:00pm in-person and via Zoom
We select a new book to read each month and we make an effort to read from different genres. This month we will be reading and chatting about The Housemaid by Freida McFadden. Email or call him at the library at 541-895-3053 to join.
Literary Art: Custom Cowpoke Hats - August 21st at 5:30pm

An art group for adults to chat and create together. This is as much a social event as it is an art class. This month we will be using Mod Podge to attach fabric to hats. We have everything you need to participate but if you have fabric from home you are willing to share you are welcome to bring it in!

Coffee and Books - Tuesdays at 11:00am
Join us every Tuesday morning at 11am for coffee and books at our book club. No need to stress about finding the book club book and staying on pace with everyone else. Read what you want at your own speed and share with us when you are ready. Everyone who comes talks about the books they are reading or have recently finished. No pressure to share if you just want to join us to get ideas about new books to read.
Kitchen Capers - On a break!

Kitchen Capers will be taking the summer off. Don't worry, we plan to be back in the Fall!
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