April 2023 Newsletter

Did you see our new sign?
We are so happy to have a brand new sign in front of the library with our new logo. We are working on a few more small projects around the library too. Hopefully, we can share some more good news soon!

Lane Bloodworks is back at the library April 7th 12pm - 6pm
Appointments are required. Scan the QR code above to make an appointment or visit schedule.bloodworksnw.org to secure your spot.
New Adult Book Club April 18th at 5:00pm in-person and via Zoom
This book club is geared toward new adults (18-24), but all adults are welcome! This month we will be chatting about Luck of the Titanic by Stacy Lee. Join us to chat about the acrobatic heroine stowaway! Email nick@creswell-library.org or call him at the library at 541-895-3053 to join.
Literary Art: Altered Books – April 12th at 5:30pm
An art class for adults hosted by local artist Holly Lee. Holly will help us turn discarded books into art! We will continue altering our books (which is just a fancy way of saying destroying with good intentions) like we did last month. If you missed out in March, you can jump right in this month without any issues.

Step It Up Walking Group
We only have a few spots left open in our program and the deadline is April 15th. Want to start exercising? Join our walking group and research study in partnership with OHSU. We will be walking together once a week. This program is for people who aren't exercising yet. The walks will start out lasting about 20 minutes but we will work our way up to 45 minutes plus. We are still deciding on a time to meet for our group so please feel free to inquire and share what times you would be available to attend. The program will get started in late April or early May. Contact nick@creswell-library.org or at 541-895-3053 to learn more and sign up!

Coffee and Books - Tuesdays at 11:00am
Join us every Tuesday morning at 11am for coffee and books at our book club. No need to stress about finding the book club book and staying on pace with everyone else. Read what you want at your own speed and share with us when you are ready. Everyone that comes talks about the books they are reading or have recently finished. No pressure to share if you just want to join us to get ideas about new books to read.
Introducing the Creswell Seed Library!

The Creswell Seed Library is a place for patrons to get and share free seeds for their gardens. It is located in the filing cabinet near the newspapers in the adult section of the library. We have seeds for vegetables, herbs, and flowers available. You will also find useful charts and growing information sheets, plus a number of catalogs for your perusal. Information on donating and borrowing seeds is available on top of the seed catalog filing cabinet. It's a risk-free way to get started on that garden you've been thinking about!
A Few of our New Books!

The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell
I Will Find You by Harlan Coben
The Last Ronin by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
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